Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Vagina Monologues At Rhode Island College

I finally have a few minutes to tell you about my experience attending the Vagina Monologues at Rhode Island College. I decided to bring my boyfriend. neither of us knew what was going to be experienced. He was mostly the nervous one but we were both surprised that we enjoyed it so much. He enjoyed it so much he even bought himself a t-shirt that he wears that says "I love Vaginas". This monolgue was informative, touching, and comedic all at the same time. It attracted a diverse croud of people to whom most got invloved from time to time. My favortie was the woman who mimicked all the different sorts of moans that woman have while having play. The one I was most touched about is the little girl who experienced a sexually abusive lifestyle. The names people gave Vaginas was hysterical, some of which I had never heard before. They made the croud scream cunt over and over again. This play allowed us to be more comfortable with discussing ourselves and our bodies in front of others. It gave us an informative view of the different women and how private they may be with their sexuality to how open others may be. I did learn that no matter what, a woman should not be ashamed of what she has. My most favorite part was talking about our favorite vagina names on the way home from the play. I think it helped us open up a little more, something I didnt even think needed to be done. I am glad I went and I am even more glad I brought my boyfriend. :)

To read more about Eve Ensler's "Vagina Monologues" check out her site at:

This was my favorite part of the play .. HYSTERICLE! of course this is the you tube version perfored by a different actress but it is almost exactly the same as the one performed at RIC.

1 comment:

  1. haha
    love the monolagues
    i never thought i would enjoy watching another girl moan with my mother and ex boyfriend sitting next to me...

    definatly a must-do experience!
    glad you both had a great time
