Monday, February 8, 2010

"Media Literacy"
MEDIA-"In general, "media" refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of media."(
LITERACY-"Literacy is more than just being able to read and write. Literate children see reading as fun and exciting. They use reading to learn about a wide range of subjects, and they use writing to share their ideas."(,1510,5133,00.html)
After googling Media Literacy I have come to define the term in my own mind. Media Literacy focuses on the awareness of the media and what impacts it has on society which include TV, Magazines, the internet, etc. When defining media literacy, no other quote besides this one comes to mind:
"To look is one thing,To see what you look at is another,To understand what you see is a third,To learn from what you understand is still something else:To act on what you learn is all that matters.-- Taoist
This defines not only the importance of the media but the importance to take in, how we take it in which can be due to parenting skills and culture, etc. Everyone takes in the media in different ways. It can also be a subconcious thing..for example, I didnt even once look into how Disney portrays their characters as characters I once thought to be wonderful role models to not thinking so, this done to the awareness based on education I have been lucky to have. To understand and debate on the issues is another important aspect of media literacy. This is all part of the learning aspet (which like I have said before) has made me aware. This in turn has made me happy I can prevent my children from seeing the inappropraite someday. However, it has also taken from me what I thought was something wonderfull when I was sitting at the cinema or watching TV. We all take it in, but HOW do we take it in? Do we even KNOW what we are really seeing? These are situations where the uneducated need to become educated. To see different opinions and debates on you tube and through the internet of what is right and what is wrong in societies opinions interests me. This is all part of media literacy.
On the website Called Media awareness Network a media and education resource there are different examples and definitions of media literacy..
A woman by the name of Jane Tallim gives a defintion I feel defines it in my eyes..
"Media literacy is the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. It's the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media— from music videos and Web environments to product placement in films and virtual displays on NHL hockey boards. It's about asking pertinent questions about what's there, and noticing what's not there. And it's the instinct to question what lies behind media productions— the motives, the money, the values and the ownership— and to be aware of how these factors influence content....... (
Go to this website for a good clarification of media literacy given by North Ameican Experts on the sibject
"Most often, "the media" are lumped together as a single entity. But "the media" are actually many forms of communication...including newspapers, magazines, and billboards, radio, television, videocassettes, video games, and computer games. Since the students participating in VidKids are primarily engaged in television viewing (most of them are too young to read newspapers and magazines), our activities focus on video and TV. (


  1. Its insane how many different definitions of a concept i found as well. At least they all were pretty simliar. like you said, its pretty awesome that we can now be informed about the hidden messages of the media so we can better inform our children in the next generation. maybe we can change some things!

  2. i love the way you broke down media literacy inot two words and defined them and came up with your own definition, i had a hard time wrapping my head around the definition i found and i never thought to do it that way...probably would have made my evening a little easier.
